New Year, New Resolutions: 11 Tips!

Aaaand just like that 2014 is just about over. But hey, you know what that means: New Year’s resolutions for 2015! I’ve put together some fun and useful apps, resources, videos, tips, etc to help you out with what may be on YOUR list of resolutions! (Inspired by what’s on mine, obviously)

1. As my bestie Maite explained to me, it’s important to sit down and REFLECT on the past year. Instead of just focusing on what you want to do, be realistic and think about how you can achieve those goals. Of course we can’t change who we are deep down, but there’s always a part of us we want to let out. So ask yourself, “What kind of person do I want to become?” and “What habits will get me to where I want to be?” Instead of dreaming of the person you wish you could be, think of what you can do to make that dream a reality.


2. One of the first steps to becoming who you want to be is developing “better” or more suitable habits based on your goal. It’s helpful to get SPECIFIC. For example, instead of saying you want a better body, write about toning your legs and a workout plan to achieve that. This awesome list divides up 200+ good habits to help practically every part of your life out. Oh yeah, forget the 21 day rule. According to recent studies it now takes around 66 days to form a habit – that’s March 6!

3. Going off the idea of getting specific, this list gives you 36 prompts to help you make resolutions. It’s smart to focus on ONE thing of the bigger picture. For example, if you want to save money, focus on one thing you can cut. Maybe it’s skipping Starbucks every morning by making coffee at home.

4. Generally, resolutions tend to be around the idea of being healthier, happier, and more productive. (mine definitely are) Check out the top habits of HEALTHY, HAPPY, PRODUCTIVE people on this great bloglovin post. Did you know your happiness is contagious and can extend up to 3 degrees of separation? (check out my old post for a few happiness tips also)

5. Mornings can be rough, but a great morning could be the key to an awesome and productive day. Try to do things that can make your morning easier and faster. Something I’m trying to do is wake up 5-10 min earlier than I need to and hit the snooze button less. If you find it tough to get up in the mornings like me, check out the app Alarmy. To turn off this annoying alarm you have to take a picture of a preset photo.


6. I feel like reading is another thing a lot of us wish we did more of.  Check out this list of books that are guaranteed to make you a better person. (self improvement AND reading – killin two birds with one stone!) But since we all get busy and may not have the time to read a whole novel, there’s also a list of essays to make you a better person.

7. JOURNALING is at the top of my list this time! In my case, I’ve found that writing down goals, memories, progress, even song lyrics (in a cute journal of course) truly works wonders on my life. But, if you still need convincing check out this great article about how having a simple notebook can change your life. Be sure to check out the app Emojiary – it helps you journal your emotions with emojis!

8. Winer break and the holidays will soon be over and we’ll be thrown back into our busy, stressful lives. But to keep you calm during these crazy times, many suggest MEDITATION. If you’re looking for something short that also works with your mood, I suggest checking out this free meditation app called Stop, Breathe, and Think.

9. One thing I’ve learned is to completely FOCUS on whatever it is that you’re doing. Whether it’s your homework or exercising, it’s so much better for you and your body. I struggle a lot with focus so one of my goals is to pay better attention. This can be hard for many of us because of how distracting the internet and social media can be. For times like these I love the app SelfControl, it’s for Macs and it basically blocks you from going on distracting websites. Just a reminder that it’s also helpful to take breaks from social networks. Oh, putting your phone on “Do Not Disturb” is super efficient also.


10. Don’t forget to laugh and SMILE. Life’s hard, but it’s still great. Check out these funny tumblr posts or this for some cute overload.

11. Whatever your New Year’s resolution is, you can do it. If you ever feel like giving up, remember WHY you made it your goal in the first place and watch this 5 min video of epic motivation.


Good luck and Happy New Year! 🙂


What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

Your penmanship can reveal a lot about your personality, about 5,000 traits! Along with a few fun quizzes, here are some common things I found when researching graphology (the study of handwriting).
First thing’s first, I’m the realest. (sorry I had to…) Go grab pen/paper and write down “I feel like looking at the moon tonight.” Be sure to write it how you usually would in normal print and then head over to take Buzzfeed’s quiz HERE!

Now examining that same sentence you wrote (or really anything else you’ve written), check out the specific things each part of your handwriting reveals:

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Continue reading

What’s in my Mouth?: Socks & Sweets

I’M IN LOVE…with putting prune baby food in my blindfolded friends’ mouths, choking on ground ginger, and the dessert section of Trader Joe’s! Here’s what strange and delicious things have been in my mouth this week:

1. “What’s In My Mouth” Challenge – Forget the trust fall, letting friends put anything in your mouth while you’re blindfolded is my new definition of trust! It’s entertaining, hilarious, and scary in all the right ways. Click here for an example video on YouTube. I’ll list a few items we used and leave the rest to your imagination… Just remember to have bags to spit stuff out handy!

  • What I Put in Their Mouths: prune baby food, tuna, jalapeños, string cheese (I told em it’s not edible so they had to guess based on shape and texture – hilarious!), and a sponge.
  • What Was Put in My Mouth: socks, ground ginger, multiple small and possibly dangerous toys (some were squishy), a button, gum wrapper, sprinkles, and Starbursts (yum).
  • Watch the Video: We did record it and I will be posting it as soon as it’s edited, so stay tuned!

2. Recommendations from Trader Joe’s – You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy dessert! I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t drool a little walking through the delightful dessert section every. single. time. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Trader Joe’s!

  • Cookie Butter: For the past year I’ve been in love (some may say completely obsessed) with cookie butter, “a deliciously unusual spread reminiscent of gingerbread and made with crushed biscuits.” If you for some wild reason have yet to try this deliciousness, I suggest you stop reading this post (just kidding, finish it first) and run over to Trader Joe’s! Personally, my go-to lunch is a simple cookie butter and bread sandwich. But, there are so many jaw-drapping recipes you can also check out. Price: $3.69
  • COOKIE BUTTER ICE CREAM: Yup, it happened. Cookie Butter ice cream is now a thing. I dreamt about it for three days and it certainly did not disappoint! I can now die happy (and possibly obese). Price: $510622932_849010335109733_8058623177406066249_n
  • French Macarons: Since I live in a town where Target is considered Disneyland (and Ladurée is at least a 6 hour plane ride away) , I have to get my macaron craving satisfied somehow! TJ currently has two different box sets of macarons, one with 6 vanilla and 6 chocolate & the other assorted pack shown in the picture below. Price: $4.99
  • Frozen Mangoes: I’m only adding this one to show you that I did pick up something healthy also! In case you weren’t aware, frozen mangoes are yummy and make an awesome summer snack.

3. Retainers: I have an orthodontist appointment soon, so I figured I should start wearing my retainers again!

Well, have a lovely Friday and as always, thanks for reading! 🙂

7 Ways to Have a GREAT DAY!

Hey there! Here’s 7 tips on being happier so you can have a great day every day! 🙂

1. Read good news. – Did you know the Huffington Post has a section dedicated to good news? This guarantees that I start my day off on a positive note! Click here to check out how awesome it is.

2. Look good, feel good. – The more confidence you have in your self, the happier you will be. Not saying you don’t always look beautiful, but wearing your fave outfit will surely make the day better. Also, every time my bra and undies match I feel like I have my shit together!

3. Smile. – It’s scientifically proven that smiling can make you happier. Of course it’s a million times better if it’s real, but sometimes a little fake smile can also do the trick! Spread the love and smile at strangers! Making someone’s day can be a fantastic feeling.

4. Be silly. – Dance like nobody is watching or pretend you’re Beyonce in the shower, you’ll be feeling better in no time. Try being silly with others! Fun times with friends might be exactly what you need. Here‘s one of many dance playlists on Spotify.

5. Out of the box. – Now is the time to accomplish something fun that isn’t on your to-do list. Pick up a new skill or finally do a Pinterest DIY. Routine is great and all but an enjoyable new activity can certainly brighten your day. You could even try facing your fears, what’s that one quote about doing something everyday that scares you?

6. Sweet, sweet victory. – Celebrate every little victory! Ate an apple? You’re awesome! Didn’t procrastinate? You go glen coco! Finding happiness in the smallest things can seriously turn your day around. Sometimes you just have to stress less about your big goals and realize that you’re always a rockstar.

7. Those 3 things. – Speaking of enjoying the little things in life, it’s nice to remember when something good happens. This is why you should keep a journal and write down 3 positive things that happened everyday. Do this right before bed and you’ll go to sleep smiling!

Hope these tips help you out and be sure to leave any ideas you may have on living a happier and positive life! YOU’RE AWESOME 🙂
